
Posts Tagged ‘cat poem’

This poem simply called Cats by Eleanor Fajeon can be found on many websites and blogs. It has captured the soft feel and texture of a cat as well as the idiosyncratic cat-lifestyle. But it also has a beat. So this poem has been turned into a Rap Song by Andrew Williamson’s Grade  4A   #mce_temp_url#


Cats sleep anywherewashercat_007329_tns

Any table, any chair.

Top of piano, window ledge,

In the middle, on the edge.

Open drawer, empty shoe,

anybody’s lap will do.

Fitted in a cardboard box,cat_curled_100714_tns

in a cupboard with your socks.

Anywhere! They don’t care!

Cats sleep anywhere.


by Eleanor Fajeon (1881-1965)sleep-cat-1_tns

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